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Top Five Indie Albums Releasing in 2015

2014 saw the release of tons of great albums, but 2015 has even more in store for indie music fans.  After the success of Modern Baseball’s ‘You’re Gonna Miss It All’, Hozier’s self-titled debut album, Walk the Moon’s second album ‘Talking Is Hard’, and The Rural Alberta Advantage’s third album ‘Mended With Gold’ – to only name a few – indie fans had something to look forward to during seemingly every month of the year.  The same is true, even more-so, in 2015.  From indie pop to indie folk, listeners have a huge variety of music to listen to this year.  Let’s get to it, here are the top five indie albums releasing in 2015.

5. ‘Kindred’ – Passion Pit

The cover art for the release of ‘Lifted Up (1985)’.

Made famous for their heart-warming lyrics and crazy vocal effects, Passion Pit have established themselves as one of the top indie pop bands of the 2010s.  Lead singer Michael Angelakos has a knack for writing catchy tunes with deep meanings, and ‘Kindred’ looks to build upon previous success.  Earlier this week, the single versions of ‘Lifted Up (1985)‘ and ‘Where the Sky Hangsreleased – and did not disappoint.  ‘Lifted Up (1985)’ has the catchy chorus to get listeners to sing along and subtlety beautiful verses to become the next ‘Take a Walk‘, while ‘Where the Sky Hangs’ changes things up by featuring Angelakos’ voice, for the most part, without added effects.  And really, how can a song not be great when it’s titled something so beautiful like ‘Where the Sky Hangs’.  ‘Kindred’ releases on April 21st, but fans will be singing along to ‘Lifted Up (1985)’ and ‘Where the Sky Hangs’ long before that day.
